About Environmental Skin Damage

What is environmental skin damage? 

Any pollutants that cause oxidative damage to our skin is considered environmental damage. Our skin is exposed to a lot each day; sun exposure, blue light from our devices, sweat, dirt and other pollutants that clog up the skin’s pores causing it to breakout and appear dull. Harsh environmental conditions damage the skin and can lead to premature ageing.



How to treat environmental skin damage?

At the end of the day, it is important to cleanse the skin and wash away dirt, sweat, and any other pollutants that could clog the pores. After sun exposure, it is important to rehydrate. Drink plenty of water and hydrate the skin with a moisturiser, gel or lotion.

How to prevent environmental skin damage?

Although we cannot control the weather, or any other external factor, we can use tools to counter the exposure and impact of skin oxidation. By using antioxidants, we can prevent oxidative damage caused by environmental conditions. The quickest and easiest way to use antioxidants is to use the right skincare products.

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